Anyone familiar with Ogre Battle or Disgaea, the latter of which is superior in every conceivable way, will know what to expect from these battles. This dialogue makes it impossible to take the story seriously.Īt its core, most of the gameplay is unchanged, which means that a number of maps will be visited, on which tactical battles are fought. This is a real problem with The War of the Lions, because the story is what makes it worth playing without the story, it's just a series of tactical RPG battles. It had a circuitous plot that was extremely confusing at times, but it was confounding because so much was going on, not because the characters had no idea how to convey a simple thought to one another. The most bizarre aspect of this full rewrite of the script is that the original Final Fantasy Tactics did not have this problem.

At least the dialogue here is not voice-acted, so there is that saving grace, but lines like Argath's (who replaced the much more eloquent Argus) "Our luck is ill, that we should chance upon fiends such as these in the wood" might leave players wishing there was voice acting, just to find humor in hearing serious actors attempt to say things like that with a straight face. The dialogue in The War of the Lions wishes it could be as good as the dialogue in Two Worlds, which, for those unaware, was shredded for its dialogue. It has to be asked: What in the world happened to the dialogue? How did the travesty that is the dialogue of Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions come to be? What happened to the dialogue of the original, and why was it deemed to be not good enough? Why is the dialogue here so bad?